Coaching for a life that feels good.
sex - birth - body image - women’s holistic health

Book your 30 minute complimentary consultation today.

Reconnection to pleasure as your guiding force.


What we all fundamentally want is a life that feels good, a life that reflects what is important to us, who we are, and what makes our bodies light up with inspiration and purpose.

I want you to feel empowered to create your perfect life, a life that is satisfying, passionate, and pleasure-filled. I want to live in a world where everyone is acting on their deepest and truest desires, where there is room for everyone's unique growth and burgeoning ambition. I want to live in a world where you are your most authentic self.

Clearing the way to your most authentic and blossomed self is what I empower others to do, whether it be in Sex, Birth, Postpartum, or Body Image. This is about you connecting back in to your pleasure as the guiding force for your life. It’s about empowering you to create the life you truly want.

Pleasure Coaching & Bodywork

Move past blocks to pleasure and into juicy & fulfilling intimacy

Our minds are incredibly powerful tools, but can often create obstacles that we rationally cannot overcome. The good news is: the body always has a way through.

Pleasure Coaching is a way to approach seemingly insurmountable challenges to pleasure, sensation, and intimacy in a new and effective way.

Doula Support and Postpartum Healing

Pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum are beautiful metamorphoses of body, mind and self. With so much changing it may feel impossible to know where the still and stable ground is, what information to trust, and how to feel comfortable in an ever-changing body. Birth is a beautifully complex experience that deserves space, time, and an abundance of support, and I would so love to help.

My methodology for birth support provides you with all of the traditional services you would expect in a doula as well as integrative pelvic floor bodywork and embodiment practices. This holistic combination of modalities helps to prepare your body and yoni for birth as well as providing you with the information that you need to make informed choices to have the birth that you truly want.

Women’s Holistic Health Support

I want you to move far past unsatisfying sex, past scar tissue from your birth, way past resignation that sex is just painful and that’s the way it is, that you just live with urinary incontinence now and it’s okay because you love your baby. No more.

You deserve worlds more.
Our bodies were made to heal.
They were made to feel vitality.
They were made to have sex, and to fucking enjoy it.

If you are ready to take your body into your own hands, schedule your free discovery call today.

Sign up to get your FREE grounding meditation:
The infinite resource of pleasure

One step closer…

to a pleasure-filled life.

Imagine if…

  • Your life were oriented completely towards pleasure

  • Every action you took was fueled by what feels good

  • Every step brought you more and more vitality…

In Sex, Birth, Postpartum… In your life as a whole?

What if you were guided by your aliveness—the subtle sensations of your pleasure, passion, and purpose?

Find Pleasure in all the places you should- sex, birth, love, intimacy, postpartum. Life should feel good.

I am Nicole Siegel, Certified CSB, Doula, Postpartum Healer, and Trauma-Informed Professional. My specialties include:
Body Confidence/ Body Dysmorphia
Alternative Relationship Structures
Boundaries and Communication Skills
Erectile Dysfunction
Painful Sex
Sexuality After Birth
Intimate Trauma
Pregnancy and Postpartum
Sex Education for Adults

Through embodiment coaching and trauma-informed and client-led bodywork, I help my clients find comfort in their body, attunement with and clarity in their desires, and confidence in their decisions and boundaries. It’s my passion to give people the tools to move out of their survival strategies, and into a life that reflects exactly what’s important to them. I want to empower you to embody the life you truly want. By working directly with the body, we are able to make changes that have seemed impossible in the past.

It’s time to start having the sex that feels just right for you, to feel supported and nurtured in your pregnancy exactly the way you need, and to finally find love and acceptance with your body even when it’s difficult.

When you’re ready to take your first step towards a pleasure filled life, make sure to book your complimentary consultation. I would so love to help


Join me on this journey, with your body as your compass & pleasure as your guide, to the fullest expression of you.

Doula with:

Here’s What People Are Saying:

“Working with Nicole was life changing. Before meeting her, I had never heard about sexological bodywork and therefore couldn't quite predict how our sessions would shift my relationship to my sexuality, but even more importantly, to my body as a whole. It was fascinating to watch how session by session, I became more embodied and playful in my interactions with my sensual self.”

— Anna

“It goes without saying, that the work you do in a sexbod session may fall a bit outside of your zone of familiarity or your comfort zone but Nicole guides you through it so smoothly that despite the unfamiliar terrain, you remain at ease as you expand into what your sexuality can look like. Couldn't thank Nicole enough and I highly recommend her as a guide.”

— Former sexological bodywork client

"With her focused, caring presence, Nicole helped me to discover a far wider range of sexual pleasure than I previously knew existed. Her expert guidance allowed me to listen to what my body really wanted, instead of just replaying the tapes of what I have always done. Because of my sessions with Nicole, sex with my partner and – yes, sex with myself – is deeper, more fulfilling, and more open than ever before."


"I really appreciated Nicole's guidance and intuition at every step. She always comes from a place of curiosity and guides every session based on what's happening that day. She guided me through my journey from a place of safety and security, never rushing or pushing. Nicole is truly a magical human! She was born to help people in this way."


This work is life-changing and I wish every woman could experience it."

-Former sexological bodywork client

Three things that you’ve learned, discovered, or realized from the experience…."I've learned how to truly feel into my body, which has guided my intuition in countless situations. I've learned what my resource is, and I've learned that my life as it was set up was more than my nervous system could handle. These have all given me a sense of calm."

-Sexological bodywork client

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