self image—body love—somatic empowerment            

Fall completely

in love

with your


A 4 week experiential
live group class
for women

Start Date:
October 5th, 2022

Are you frustrated with the lack of information out there on female bodies?

Are you always worried about your appearance?

Are you frustrated and confused with your post pregnancy body?

Is your attention more on the folds of your stomach and the expression on your face than on your pleasure during sex?

Do you feel like you are in a constant battle with your body?


Reclaiming your image.

Defining beauty your way.

Loving yourself even when it’s difficult.

Caring less about how you look, & more about how you feel.

Take Back the Mirror is about liberation from shame.
Emancipation from expectations about your body.

It is about defining what beauty looks like for you.
Devoting yourself to unabated love for who you are and how you look.

TBTM is about finding a new way to engage in your image.
A pushback against all of the systems of control, oppression, and shame towards our bodies.
We are in the midst of an epidemic of body hate.
We will not find our way back to ourselves with acceptance or confidence.
We must fall completely in love with our bodies again.

Do you have an army of medical providers and an encyclopedia-sized-folder of tests but still not found a way to feel good?

Are you in need of a larger community that understands?

Do you long for a group conversation about all things women?

Are you looking to make a change, not just for yourself, but for the women that come after you?

Do you want to be part of an entire paradigm shift of how we think about female bodies? About how we think about women?

In this course you will:

  • learn to see your body and image as a point of stability, consistency, and safety

  • be a part of a community of women that are struggling with the same things as you

  • move and learn to enjoy movement in your body again

  • learn how to shift from fighting with your body/your body as a burden to knowing it for the cornucopia of pleasure that it is

  • get the energy, confidence, and willpower you need to finally start making the changes you’ve always wanted to in how you inhabit your body

  • finally feel empowered by your body, just as it is now, no changes

  • get out of the mindset the your body is limiting you and move to —> your body as your friend and powerful resource

  • get out of the plague of comparing your body to others

This course is for EVERY WOMAN.
We were all born with joy and wonder at being alive. At some point we were made to believe our bodies are imperfect. TBTM gets you back to devotion for your soma—your body, mind, and soul. It is about improving your confidence and finding joy in your body again.

This course is for you if:

  • The insecurity and doubt you feel about your image is keeping you from doing the things you really want

  • The trauma you are holding in your body is preventing you from taking the steps you want towards sensation, pleasure, passion, and connection

  • You have missed out on opportunities because you felt disheartened and overwhelmed by how you look

  • You cannot access the joys of your body: sex, intimacy, movement, dance, pleasure

  • You are confused by your aging or post pregnancy body and you are ready to find clarity and pleasure again

  • You struggle to find community because of the constant and relentless self hating chatter in your head

TBTM is unlike any other women’s group or healing course you’ve been in.

Other courses stall at body confidence and “peace”.
In TBTM we go far past accepting what you see in the mirror.
You will fall completely in love with your body.

You will have the tools to:

  • Look at your body and enjoy what you see

  • See your image as a point of resource

  • Be revitalized by your reflection in times of low capacity

  • Find delight and wonder in your body

I’m inviting you into a safe space.

A space to explore the complex relationship we, as women, have to our bodies. We will curate honest and compassionate witnessing of the physical self, allowing for the truth of who we are inside to be reflected back to us when we gaze upon ourselves, and when we give the gift of allowing others to gaze upon us.

This is an opportunity to experience the slow erotic dance of strength and confidence that you were born with in your body. In this sacred container of sisterhood and safety, you will have the opportunity to find the movement your body truly wants.
You’ll find ways to touch yourself in exactly the way your body needs to be touched.

You’ll feel sexy in who you are right now, no changes, no contouring, shaping, dying, losing weight, in the clothes you are in now, in the beautiful house your soul is living in this very day.

Join me to..

Discover what total acceptance feels like.
Emerge into your
most beautiful and burgeoning self.
Explore the greatest depths of your bodily pleasure.

Hear what people are saying

Class Schedule

Live classes on Zoom every Wednesday at at 11am CT | 9am PST | 6pm CET for 1.5 hours

October 5th
October 12th
October 19th
October 26th

All classes will be recorded and accessible for the duration of the course.


Early bird price


Regular price


Alumnae of TAKE BACK THE MIRROR will have lifelong access to early bird pricing as well as an invite into the private TBTM Facebook group.


  • Workout routines

  • Diet and Eating tips & tricks

  • Body shaming and body punishing techniques to make you smaller, thinner, different

  • Empty body acceptance and body confidence mantras


  • Developing a sustainable loving relationship to your body that isn’t reliant on maintaining a goal weight.

  • Repatterning self hate talk when you look in the mirror, get dressed in the morning, touch your naked body.

  • Putting the weapons down in the battle against your body.

  • A safe space for women to come together in support of each other, outside of comparison and competition .

Start your journey to body love today. Sign up today and gain instant access to the Body Love & Healthy Beauty Habits Resource List.

My journey to body love

My own struggle to body love has been long, confusing, and complex. I remember the moment that it donned on me that my value (in other people’s eyes) rested not only in my intellect, personality, wisdom, and kindness, but also in my image. I was 8 years old. With strong Latin genes, the hair on my legs, lower back, and arms became noticeable before I got my first period.

My rite of passage into our troubling definition of womanhood began when my body hair turned from gentle and juvenile peach fuzz to dark-brown, grown-woman-hair. The teasing from the boys started. I went home that day and demanded that I be allowed to use a razor to remove the stains on my body. My mother refused, trying to delay the start of the inevitable journey of body dysmorphia and the resulting contouring, molding, plucking, dying, and shaping I and all of my girlfriends would embark upon soon. Several years passed before I was given access to the almighty razor.

The day I was allowed the sweet satisfaction of depilation was the ultimate emancipation from the chains my body had secured around me of embarrassment, difference, and shame. I was finally allowed to shape my body the way I wanted, craft my image the way I saw fit. And my image was to be soft, smooth, and hairless. The ultimate freedom… or so I thought.

The hair on my body became a personal foe of mine, my enemy, always trying to outwit my army of razors, wax, bleach, Nair, tweezers, sanding paper, and thread.  The life long battle with my body had begun.

As the years passed, parts of my body slowly joined in on the battle against me.

When I was 12, I learned the correct form my belly was to take after a growth spurt did away with the baby fat that my body had been holding onto for many years due to chronic illness in my childhood. I was congratulated on my weight loss by every friend and adult that saw me. “How in the world did you lose so much weight?” they would ask me. This was the year I learned that ‘weight’ was another one of those magical numbers that factored in to how good you were at being human.

I remember it feeling such a foreign concept to me that the physical mass and weight that my body was occupying, measured in pounds and inches, was of any importance at all.

I learned quickly, however, that the lower the number, the better, and the less detectable your mid-section, the better people treated you. My diminishing density resulted in intensifying attention, care, compassion, and jealousy, the most valuable currency in the war against the body. I became skilled in eating as little as possible, just enough to keep the pain and fogginess away, and as grew into my teens, I learned that going to the gym enabled me to reach numbers I couldn’t before. As I grew taller, the numbers on the scale shrank and shrank…much to my satisfaction. Everyone congratulated me on my success and self-discipline.

By the time I was 21 I had it down to a science. I knew the exact position my legs needed to be in to look as small as possible as they appeared to rest on the chair, the shape in which to place my spine for minimum waistline and maximum bust, the perfect tilting of the head as I sat in thought to appear effortlessly pensive and beatific, the exact speed and shape at which to move my hands as I spoke to lull the men who listened and gazed on into believing that I was divine, with just a touch of sex.

I was a work of art. And I was in so much pain.

My emotional body hurt...

The threads of my confidence felt thinner and thinner as my self-worth was being placed further and further from my own body and self.

My relationship to my sexuality suffered, and eventually dissolved into nothing. I didn’t feel pleasure anymore, only satisfaction that I had achieved another goal, another conquest for attention, another coin of jealousy from a girlfriend, another number on the scale. My physical body hurt. I had migraines every single day. I had begun grinding my teeth at night from the stress of treating my body as a means to an end, and the lack of experience being witnessed and loved in my full authentic self.  I felt more and more lonely as a result of treating the women I met as competitors and the men I knew as conquests. My entire being was screaming out for a change, for some part of the true me to be allowed out to see the world, to feel strength, to feel big, to feel pleasure in my life again. I wanted to feel worthy. I wanted to feel like I belonged, to feel welcomed by others.

I so desperately wanted authenticity.. to embody it and to witness it all around me. So I ran away to find it.

And what I found was sensation. I found pleasure. I found belonging.

I found delight in life and in existence. Wonder.

I was in awe, constantly, of the vast array of sensation my body is able to produce. That it gifts me every day.

I had embarked upon my pleasure journey. And now I am here to share it with each and every one of you.

Meet Your Teacher
Nicole Siegel

Nicole is a certified sexological bodyworker, doula, postpartum healer, and a trauma informed professional. Nicole helps her clients find comfort in their body, attunement with and clarity in their desires, and confidence in their decisions and boundaries.

She incorporates trauma-informed and client-led bodywork in her 1 on 1 sessions to help her clients to find pleasure and empowerment in their relationship to their body, sexuality, self, and, ultimately, vitality in life, love, relationships, and work.

Her group classes are informed by Generative Somatics, Somatic Sex Education, Pleasure Activism, the Magic and Wonder of Birth, and being a lifelong devotee to her body and pleasure.

I’d love to see you there.